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When God Calls You

Most of the time, when we are at the most comfortable moment of our lives... God will suddenly instruct us to stand up from that lazy b...

Forgive And Be Forgiven

I'm pretty sure there are people that hurt us the most, not just in the past year but it might be decades ago or we have caused pain to other people unconsciously... 

Don't we feel the burden of carrying out the hatred in our hearts? 

I experienced it in the past; my heart was hardened with anger, with hatred to people who once caused me pain... I was bitter, mad and unhappy.

But I realized that I was the only one suffering, those people who has caused my migraine attack were not bothered at all. I had sleepless nights while they were resting peacefully... 

When we are mad, pride will take over our emotions... we want to get even... we want revenge. The simple misunderstanding will then bridge a gap... most of the time a silent war (to friends or family) wherein we will just prefer to ignore the other person that will last for months or even years... 

I know it was painful to carry a grudge, it will make your life miserable... 

Why not forgive? 

Why don't we choose to let go of the pain and let God heal the wounds... 

Why do we choose pride over forgiveness? Because it is difficult to forgive especially if the other person that hurts you were not sorry at all... but isn't it more difficult to carry pride and hatred in our hearts? 

To many, forgiveness is impossible especially if the situation was complicated... if the wound was too deep, how can a simple sorry ease the pain. 

All of us caused Jesus' death on the Cross... the greatest act of forgiveness that we received. 

Why can't we forgive others? 

I too has difficulty in forgiving others because of pride... but nothing is too difficult if we surrender it to our Lord God. 

P R A Y. 
Pray for a forgiving heart; Rebuke pride and ego; Allow the Holy Spirit to guard you heart and You will receive peace of mind...

"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." - Jesus, Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:14-15) 

Let us start the year right... 

Check your heart... is it heavy with grudges? 


Do your heart and mind a favor by releasing those pain.  

Let go and let God handles it. 

Forgive and be forgiven... 

2/365 #WhenGodCallsYou

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